Don’t Pass a School Bus
September is a great time to remind everyone that passing a school bus with a stop sign out is as important as stopping at a red light. As a school bus is coming to a stop it will often flash its yellow lights. When it is stopped, a stop sign will come out from the driver’s side. You want to make sure you are at a complete stop at least 25 feet from the bus. A first offense of not stopping for a school bus can cost you a fine and 5 points on your license and even up to 15 days of jail or community service.
Now that schools are back in session, make sure not to pass a school bus.
***Attorney Advertising***
If you have been issued a ticket for passing a school bus, and need the help of an attorney, call David Dunne for a free consultation 201-775-9339
NOTE: Your Initial Consultation is FREE. It is our goal to help get your charges dismissed. We work hard for your best outcome.
Traffic & Speeding Tickets
Moving Violations
Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Drug Charges
Personal Injury
Simple Assault
Depending on the matter, traffic violations can cost thousands in insurance premiums, suspension of license and even civil liability. Our goal is to get the charges dismissed.